I had a lot of concerns with the expert panel report, which I'm sure doesn't surprise you. I think the evidence that we don't know whether mental illness is irremediable, and that we cannot identify that condition, was ignored. I think the data showing that that in Belgium and the Netherlands up to 70% of the people accessing it are women, many of them women who've lived through trauma, is deeply troubling.
For me personally, as someone who has done a lot work in civil commitment in British Columbia, that report recommends that people who are detained by the state, forcibly treated against their will and have lost all their rights and liberties are going to have access to MAID. I think that's an impending human rights disaster. The conditions in our psychiatric hospitals are abysmal, and death might feel like it's preferable to living. The fact that someone could be hospitalized because they are suicidal and could be detained against their will because they are suicidal but then be given access to MAID is deeply, deeply troubling.