Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
First of all, I'd like to thank you for raising the potential for an interim report, or not a complete report. It's something we can think about as we go forward. I think this is such an important topic that to be rushing it would not be fair to the people who are waiting for this report.
The second thing is on palliative care. Would the witnesses we are going to hear be able to resolve a conundrum that came out of the discussion we heard today? There were some people saying that funding for palliative care has gone down. Other people were saying funding for palliative care hasn't gone down and that in fact more people are getting palliative care. It's hard for me to square that circle. I don't know the answer to that. We really need to know the answer to that. That's a very fundamental point.
Do the witnesses we're going to hear next time have that information, or is it something that the Library of Parliament could provide for us if we asked for it? I don't know enough about how this should work.