I think one of the things you could do is to ensure that the lack of supports and services is not driving requests for MAID—and it is not. We have good, solid evidence from the other permissive jurisdictions over the years, and we now have good data from Canada as well that it is not what's driving requests for MAID.
Then, what you do is say that, okay, both of those things are incredibly important. We need to protect the rights the Supreme Court of Canada acknowledged, and it set out the parameters in Carter. We need, in parallel, to promote supports and services for people with mental disorders, all the various things that bring about socio-economic vulnerability.
Parliament has an obligation to do those two things at the same time. Don't hold individuals' rights hostage to Parliament's failure to promote mental health supports and services, and disability supports and services. Do both of them. I think it's your responsibility to do both at the same time. When you're answering your constituents, you need to be able to tell them those are not the drivers of MAID.
People getting MAID are actually very privileged. They're white. They're well off. They're highly educated. They're not in institutions. They have families. The picture is one of privilege. That doesn't mean we don't want to look after the people who are vulnerable.