The curriculum was put together by a group of experts who developed this content, as with all the other topics in the curriculum. We asked them for guidance on how we should move forward, and allowed them a certain leeway. They certainly looked to other jurisdictions around the world where this was already legalized to see what they could learn from those jurisdictions about what was working and what was not working.
They also collected a number of experts from across the country, mostly coming with specialty knowledge and expertise in the conditions that were primarily seen in other jurisdictions where this was legal. For example, perhaps they were those with a specialty in mood disorders or substance abuse disorders. They gathered a diverse group of subject matter experts from within Canada who have that generalized expertise based on what they were seeing in other jurisdictions that might be relevant to our experience.
Then together—I was not on that committee—they worked to develop the content, which was reviewed by over 100 different reviewers in this country. There was a multitude of stakeholders from across the country. I believe there were 18 different national stakeholders that reviewed our content before it went to the board for final approval.