Thank you very much.
Thank you, Mr. Johns, for holding a spot for me.
Thank you to our witnesses. I'm sorry I missed your opening statements. Forgive me if I cover some of the same ground, but maybe it can give you a chance to expand on earlier answers.
We had a meeting earlier this week, on Monday, at which the topic of palliative care was also covered. We heard from some of our witnesses that many Canadians do not understand palliative care. In many cases, they are referred to it far too late in their end-of-life stages. They could have been better served had they been aware of it earlier and granted access to it earlier.
Perhaps I'll start with Dr. Kaya and then invite each of you to respond. When it comes to specific recommendations that our committee can be making to the federal government, what can we do to ensure that more people are better informed about palliative care supports that are out there? How can the federal government be supporting provinces to ensure that the information is out there even in remote communities, which may not have the best access the way our big city centres do?