That is a tough question in many ways, but their answers are fairly simple. They say that this is a fundamentally ableist society and that those norms that devalue people with disabilities, especially persons with mental illness but also all people with disabilities, are ingrained in our medical systems and our legal system. That is really what we're seeing here, that persons with lived experience, who are the genuine experts about issues surrounding irremediability, psychosocial stressors and predictive issues, are not being heard. They have said universally, since the Rodriguez case, that they do not want this, and that's entirely contrary to the CRPD spirit, which is nothing about us without us.
The paradigm has been completely reversed by lawmaking judicially and in Parliament in terms of people with disabilities. It's just part of a systematic pervasive devaluation of their input into public policy, which is forbidden by the CRPD.