Thank you very much.
To all of the witnesses, a very big thank you for coming on this evening and for, first of all, putting up with the long delay, and, secondly, for your powerful testimony.
I also want you to know that this is the first session on the theme of disability. We will be talking about this subject as we go forward. There are other sessions planned.
Thank you very much again for your presence this evening.
For the committee members, we have an option here that we can choose to exercise. It requires unanimity. That option is to continue with this session. I'm going to be asking everyone around the table. Bear in mind that there are people who have been waiting for upwards of two hours to provide testimony this evening. I will be looking for a show of hands for those who wish to continue. I need unanimous consent if we're to continue with this meeting. I'm asking for unanimous consent. I want a vote right now.
Those who want to continue the meeting?