I see physical and mental illness and suffering very similarly. People come to me sometimes and say exactly what you said, Dr. Vrakas, that they don't want to die but they want to stop suffering.
The question is this: Have they been offered the treatments that might relieve their suffering, and did it work enough for them? For example, if I had a subspecialist like you, Dr. Maher, and I told my patient there was a five-year waiting list for the specialist in their area and asked them whether they were willing to continue suffering for the five years, and they said they weren't, then I would say that was irremediable.
The issue with relieving suffering is so similar in many kinds of situations. Most of the suffering that people talk about is not pain but lack of ability to have a normal life. That's true of people with mental illness as well as those with physical illness, so I don't see a big difference. Have they been offered the right treatment? Can they be offered it? We talked about—