Thank you for the question.
We were mindful of the fact that it wasn't our place to take on many different new mandates. At the same time, and as I tried to present in my opening remarks, our analysis took us there, because the things that people are worried about in the practice of MAID are not unique to mental disorders. We were a bit stuck and said that these things are really important but they are not just important for people with mental disorders. These recommendations are important any time you're concerned about the incurability of a condition.
This is an approach. Any time you're concerned about suicidality, here's an approach and a way to think about it. I hope that our recommendations will be considered to be useful in track two, and even in track one. Suicidality exists in track one, and questions about capacity exist in track one as well.
Thank you for the question, and, yes, that was our hope as a panel.