I've been asked to make myself available for questions on the current state of operations in Afghanistan, so I'd better provide you with some of my background.
I'm a military historian. I currently teach contemporary warfare at the Royal Military College. I have travelled to Afghanistan annually for the past four years, starting in 2003. I've observed Canadian and coalition operations for the following organizations: pre-NATO ISAF; American operations during Operation Enduring Freedom; NATO-ized ISAF, including the provincial reconstruction teams in the north; Canadian PRT operations in the south; and most recently, this summer, task forces Aegis and Orion and the PRT, which are the collective Canadian operations in the south.
I have a variety of conceptualizations on how the war has evolved and how it's being fought, which I can make available to you. I can make comparisons between various techniques and operational evolution in the theatre. I can provide you with some insight into the threat situation, or what our enemy may be thinking.
I won't proceed beyond that; I just make myself available for questions.