I am very familiar with the enemy monitoring what we do. They keep very close track of what goes on here. We suspect, for example, that the suicide campaign in Kandahar that started in 2005 may have been an attempt to convince the IMF not to commit funds to the country by generating artificial instability and making it look like Kandahar was out of control and therefore the whole country was out of control. There is that dimension that we have to look at. The enemy is extremely adept at information operations.
There are jihadi websites that have pictures of our guys in coffins. There are jihadi websites that show Russians in Chechnya getting blown up and assassinated, and it's the same with the Americans in Iraq. These are in languages that we generally don't speak, and so we cannot access that world, but we can see the images they employ. They keep very close track of what goes on.
We're into the area of intelligence here, so I'm not sure how far I should go with this. It might be better to bring in someone from the intelligence world who can talk specifically to this. But it's there, and there are links.