I think that DND briefings are appropriate from time to time, as we may see fit, but ultimately the minister is responsible for the entire department. Therefore, the real accountability rests with the minister. I think it's important for him to show up.
I recognize the time constraints and the burdens on a minister, but we are in a very complex and difficult situation in Afghanistan. The minister had said that he would provide regular reports to the House. We haven't had a report to the House so far. At least he could report to the committee. I believe the situation has escalated in the three or four months since we last met. It is important to hear directly from the minister as early as possible.
He may not be able to do so before the 28th, although it would have been preferable for him to be here before then, because he is going to the NATO ministers meeting, which is very important. We may have learned something from him, and as a result, we may have been able to make some suggestions that he might have found reasonable. It is not about this committee taking somebody to task; it's a matter of the exchange from which we can all learn, and the minister can also learn.