We will then notify the minister on the dual arrangements that we have.
The next piece of housekeeping is very brief. You've all been notified that we're going to be visited in Canada by the Minister of Defence from Croatia on October 9. They've been requesting that if our committee or whoever is available...I know that's break week, so the House is not sitting. Perhaps you can let us know within the next 24 hours if anybody's available on October 10 to be here in Ottawa to meet the minister. Kindly let us know as soon as possible. Look as your schedules--we surely know what we're doing a couple of weeks from now--so that in all fairness we can notify the minister.
That concludes the housekeeping. We'll introduce our witnesses.
I'm pleased to have with us here today as witnesses from the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan, which is the order of the day, from the Conference of Defence Associations, Lieutenant-General Richard J. Evraire, retired, who is the chairman; and also Colonel Brian S. MacDonald, retired, senior defence analyst. We also have with us, from the Royal Military College of Canada, Dr. Sean Maloney, associate professor of history.
Gentlemen, welcome to the committee. We look forward to hearing your presentations. We normally have 10 minutes per individual, as I recall. If we can follow the previous pattern we used when I chaired, we'll go to each one of you individually, and at the end of your presentations we'll go to questions, if everybody still agrees with that format.
I don't know if you've drawn lots as to who's going to go first, but I have on my list Mr. Evraire. Should we start with you, sir?