Thank you.
Let me ask my first question of perhaps Mr. MacDonald, or Mr. Evraire.
You said that in terms of the deployment of tanks and engineers and the like, the additional deployment is being done at the request of the commanders on the ground, as it should be, based on operational advice. Obviously it's required for the safety and security of our troops, and that's always job one. But I want to ask you a question with respect to what impact that would have on the hearts and minds question.
I read Mr. MacDonald's comments that hearts and minds can flow in different directions. That battle can take many contours. Obviously, while tanks provide security and safety for our troops, they are not known for reconstruction or development. They're usually known for blasting and demolition and destruction. From your perspective, as a military person, how does that impact on the issue of hearts and minds?
Then perhaps Mr. Maloney can follow up, based on his knowledge of Afghanistan, on how that might impact the feelings of the Afghanis we're trying to win over. Ultimately, if we want stability and security in Afghanistan, in addition to military presence we have to have a lot of development, and a lot of peaceful development, if we can ever get there.