I would like you to comment on that, in the vein that you were talking about. Obviously, Mr. Smith is suggesting that with respect to Panjwai, we weren't given all of the goods or straight goods, generally speaking, by NATO. I don't know whether that's true or not; I'm simply asking that as a question. You're an expert. If you've looked at it, tell me what you think of that report.
Secondly, you said in your earlier remarks about the woman who was killed, who was the director of women's programs, that that tells us, in itself, why we're there.
Nobody can argue about equality for women, children going to school, construction happening in Afghanistan, Afghanistan becoming a democratic country. But if I recall generally, we're there, actually, to make sure that Afghanistan doesn't fall back into the hands of those who would turn it into a base of operations against us and other democracies across the world.
I know that women's equality and development generally are the routes through which we get there eventually, but I would like you to comment on that as well.
Thank you.