I have a couple of comments.
First of all, I agree that information is important. He said the public needs to know and that we need to be briefed. What we are briefed on, I would hope, would perhaps be somewhat different from what the public gets to know, at times. So there's a difference between what the public gets and what we get.
The other question I would ask us all to think about is what we are going to do with the information. Are we going to use it to try to make decisions for the CF? Are we going to use it just to inform ourselves? What are we going to actually do with the information that's going to be of any value to the mission, our common mission?
The frequency I would have some difficulty with. Having been on the other side, and I can tell you that the workload to get it right at that frequency, from the military's point of view, would not be insignificant.
Those are the only cautionary points I would put out there. We haven't discussed this, and I would leave it to somebody else to propose an amendment, but frankly, I think monthly, for me, personally, would be more than enough.