Thank you.
My friend Mr. Hawn raised the question with you about the balance of the mission, something he had raised once earlier.
It's an intriguing way of looking at the balance in the mission. I sat at the cabinet table when this mission went as a three-D mission to Kandahar. My understanding was that it was to be almost an equal measure of reconstruction and humanitarian work, diplomatic efforts, and defence.
You mentioned the intensity of the fighting that's going on, and we've been essentially fighting a war for the last several months. Now we are reduced to looking at the balance of the mission, with us doing the military fighting substantially, only doing some reconstruction and humanitarian work, but then backfilling our part of the reconstruction and humanitarian work that we ought to be doing by using the examples of other countries that are doing that work. That is not acceptable. That was not the mission. If that is how the mission is now going to be looked at, then it is a changed mission, which is what most of us have been saying for some months.
I'm not asking you a question. I just want to leave that with you, but you can answer or you can make a comment on it.
The next question I really have is with respect to the eradication of the poppy crop. We have the interview of Norine MacDonald published in the Ottawa Citizen yesterday. In the interview, she says the following things. I will refer them to you and you can comment on them.
The question asked of her was “Have you encountered violence?” To quote her:
Violence is a daily fact of life for everybody in southern Afghanistan. There's bombing every night. You go to sleep to the sounds of the Americans bombing in Panjwaii. There's fighting on that road all the time. We've been with people who have been through Taliban ambushes. A lot of Afghans are having to leave their villages and move to other areas, and then move again and again, to avoid the fighting and bombing.
After a little while, she goes on:
Between the drought, and the (opium) crop eradication, and the bombing and fighting in the villages, they're in a desperate situation now.
And then there's a question: “How then would you describe the security situation in southern Afghanistan?”
It's a war zone. It's dramatically deteriorated in the last year. Certainly, crop eradication played into the hands of the Taliban. Whatever local support the international community might have had in southern Afghanistan was substantially affected by that forced eradication scheme. The Taliban saw a political opportunity there and they took it.
I'm not certain that it is true, but from all of what I've heard and all of what I read, it is my understanding that what Norine MacDonald of the Senlis Council is saying is opposite to what Karzai is saying. He said in the House of Commons, “If we don't kill the poppies, poppies will kill us”, or something to that effect. That is totally contrary to the UN policy about poppy eradication and Senlis Council's recommendations.
The question I have is, are they right that we're losing support because of the poppy eradication? Or are you right when you said “Almost none”?