Okay, sir, I'll try. I guess I'll start with the first one.
I'm obviously a biased responder to this. This team was based on an idea. What do I think of using military planners in this kind of role? A plan is a plan is a plan. We have a very rigorous professional development system, such that from the day you're a young officer cadet, whether army, navy, or air force, you learn how to plan. That's what we do: we plan, we plan, we plan.
Why use military officers? Well, part of the problem is—I don't know whether it's a problem, but the reality is—that most government departments have just enough people to fill the seats in their headquarters. We are far less expensive than hiring international consultants. I could be a little bit cynical and talk about the number of $1,000 U.S. to $2,000 U.S. a day tax-free consultants walking around Kabul and producing not so much. If you've been to Kabul, you will have seen them.
Military people show up for work. Our people have a unique ability to adapt and be flexible and build confidence with the Afghans. In essence, we're the only department that can generate the number of people required on a continual rotational basis. If you go to another department and tell them, we're going to rip 15 people out of your hide and send them to Kabul...oh, man! And they may not have had the professional development and training.
To clarify it, for your second question, the bilateral arrangement is between Canada and Afghanistan. My relationship with ISAF and with the U.S. coalition was one of cooperation. I had instructions from General Hillier to provide them with whatever support possible.
That said, the fact that we were a purely Canadian Afghan operation opened doors and caused a very rapid level of trust to be developed. I think that was attributable to a couple of things. The first is Canada's reputation in Kabul as a good citizen in the international community, for want of a better word—I don't have a phrase for that—and secondly, the reputation that was built up by senior Canadians who had been through there over time: our then-ambassador, who's now a deputy special representative of the Secretary General in the UN mission in Kabul, Chris Alexander; Nipa Banerjee, from CIDA; and both General Leslie first, as Deputy Commander ISAF, and then General Hillier, as Commander ISAF.
And I'm about to retire, so I don't have to kiss up to any of them.
Quite frankly, those three or four names opened doors all over Kabul. They understood that I wasn't there on behalf of either of those two headquarters trying to push this agenda. To be very clear, ISAF is not in charge of Afghanistan, and NATO is not in charge of Afghanistan; the democratically elected government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is in charge of Afghanistan.