I'll try to give you some context here.
The Afghan National Police program is an international program. Germany is the lead nation on that program. Forty-some-odd German police officers in the Kabul area run the program, if you will. It was slow getting off the mark. The United States has put a lot of money into Afghan National Police reform, and there are a large number of international police officers and contractors from I don't know how many countries helping to train the ANP right now.
Our RCMP officers are in the provincial reconstruction team in Kandahar. They have been focusing on mentoring and bringing along and helping to professionalize the Afghan National Police who are in Kandahar. That's the context and flow.
We do have a Canadian contribution in the headquarters. The Combined Security Transition Command Afghanistan, CSTCA, is the title. It was led by Brigadier-General Gary O'Brien. I think he's still there, and he has some significant Canadian staff resources that are helping the Americans with their end of the program. So that's where we are on police reform.