I don't think I can, because this was unique.
I mean, the only precedent I know of was the planners that General Hillier lent to Ashraf Ghani when he was Minister of Finance. There are no other countries in Kabul right now that are doing something similar, although both ISAF and the coalition have political-military integration sections, if you will, that deal with the government.
But nobody else, such as Afghan civil servants, sat in Afghan government offices and worked side by side. I mean, you have to picture the room. By the time I left, there were 15 Afghans in a room, and three or four Canadians. My guys had Government of Afghanistan e-mail addresses. They ate lunch with them; during Ramadan, they did not eat lunch with them. They hid in the truck to smoke and that kind of thing. We're the only people who were doing that.