Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for attending and for your briefing.
I want to ask a couple of questions specifically about the PRT that you talked about. You talked about the Afghan police and the Afghan auxiliary police. I have some concerns about the reports we heard about the Afghan auxiliary police who were brought in recently. According to press reports, they were teenagers with only ten days of training and AK-47s. So I have some concerns about that, and I'd like you to address it.
Secondly, you talked about a 911 type of system. I'm wondering how that would work in Kandahar and how many people actually have the ability to get in touch with a 911 operation. Are you talking about telephones? How would that procedure work?
The last question I have is around the PRTs and their ability to get out beyond the immediate perimeter of Kandahar city. How is that happening?