Thank you very much, Mr. Casson.
My name is Thandi Tobias, and I'm the chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Defence, from South Africa. Here with me I have my three colleagues.
This a multi-party delegation. On my left we have the Honourable Oupa Monareng, who is a member of the Defence Portfolio Committee and also a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Defence. On my right is the Honourable Somangamane Benjamin Ntuli, and he is also a member of the Portfolio Committee and the Joint Standing Committee on Defence. To his right is the Honourable Velaphi Ndlovu. He is also a member of the Portfolio Committee and the Joint Standing Committee on Defence. We also have our two staff members, E.T. Lourens and Mfanelo Zamisa, from the Ministry of Defence, a parliamentary liaison officer.
Let me briefly take this opportunity to thank you for accommodating us in your hectic schedule, so we can be part of today's meeting. The South African delegation is here on a fact-finding mission to come and learn a few things about how Canada is able to effectively implement your oversight mechanism over the executive. In South Africa, the relationship between Parliament and the executive is not a punitive relationship. There is a separation of powers in terms of responsibilities, so we oversee the work of the executive. The Department of Defence accounts to Parliament, and the Secretary of Defence reports on an annual basis and on the finances, so we vote on the budget of the Department of Defence.
We are having a discussion about the ombudsperson. I know here you call it ombudsman, but we are very sensitive to gender issues in South Africa; we prefer to call it ombudsperson. Currently, the ombudsperson in South Africa resides in the office of the public protector. A debate was being entertained that he or she must be in the Department of Defence. We then decided to go to countries that operate almost the same as South Africa to see how they have modelled the issue of the ombudsperson.
We will be having presentations as part of the program this week. We'll be meeting on Wednesday, I think, to hear a presentation on the ombudsperson.
Thirdly, our interest is with the military academy. As we all know, we need to rejuvenate the army, the military, and all the forces on a continual basis. We want to learn from you how you train your forces and also to have some relationship between South Africa and Canada in terms of exchange programs. That's another aspect that will also be entertained during the course of the week. We also want to learn from you about peacekeeping missions.
South Africa is involved in the African continent, in SADC, the NEPAD program. Currently, we are in Burundi, the DRC, Sudan, Darfur, Ethiopia, and so on. We also know the history of Canada in terms of peacekeeping missions, and I've read some information regarding your priorities. We realize you've been doing a good job, so we also want to learn how you have been doing it, and how we can improve.
That's basically why we are here today, to learn and share experiences with our counterparts, and also to be more effective in our oversight mechanism.
Without any further ado, I will rest my case and allow a discussion.
Thank you very much.