We know that today the World Food Programme was again begging for money for Afghanistan. The hunger situation there and the lack of food getting through is a very serious problem.
Also, in talking to people who have been working on the ground in Afghanistan in other ways, they tell me that without improvement in the local economy and the opportunity for people to have a small business to improve their lives...they see that as the key thing in terms of building peace and security in Afghanistan.
You talked about something called quick impact projects. I am wondering what they are. You said they're going for approval. I am wondering if they have an economic base.
The other part of this question is.... The other thing I've been told by people in Afghanistan, and particularly in Kandahar province, is that there is favouritism or corruption even from the local authorities there and the local government in terms of who does get electricity through the diesel project, who gets the on and off electricity. That kind of thing is happening, not only in the delivery of electricity but in other ways.
I'm wondering what our role is in ensuring that there is a reduction in the corruption of delivery of services from the local government.