One of our challenges is internal. I will say candidly, it is communication and the flow of information, so we get visibility and we're able to give visibility to all the amazing work going on at ground level.
I'd like to share with you a piece that appeared in the Moncton Times & Transcript today, which was a letter written by an officer, a Major Blair Baker, who just came back from Afghanistan. He commanded the Airspace Co-ordination Centre of the Multi-National Brigade Headquarters. I'm going to have to get this guy working for me. The facts he was able to pull together and the way in which he was able to communicate this was just spot on, and it tells us we need to do a better job of communicating.
He refers to things like...427 community development councils have been created in the province of Kandahar, 106 of these for women, all of which enable Afghan communities to organize and implement development projects. These councils have completed 700 projects, improved the quality of drinking water, sanitation, irrigation, infrastructure development, income generation, and health clinics. Canada has provided significant assistance to agriculture, irrigation, and rural development in Kandahar province, over 10 kilometres of canals have been built, 14 kilometres of drainage systems, 150 kilometres of roads, four bridges, 50 kilometres of power lines, 10 transformers, 42 power generators, 1,000 wells, 800 hand pumps. I could go on and on with the many good things that have been accomplished.
If I could go on for just another minute....