What are the biggest challenges we are facing? I think the first challenge actually is from a Canadian whole-of-government perspective. This is our first experience collectively, the Department of Foreign Affairs, CIDA, police forces, the RCMP, and there are other government departments involved as well, engaged in a concerted, relatively coherent approach to stabilizing, securing, reconstructing, and developing in an active war zone, which is effectively what we have in the south of Afghanistan right now.
There are many challenges with that. We learn with every day that passes. We learn about each other to speak the same language. We've learned about the bridge that needs to be built between longer-term development requirements and nearer-term reconstruction requirements, and the connection between both of those and the need for a secure environment.
From a three-D perspective or a whole-of-government perspective, there are challenges, but I think there are honestly more opportunities than there are challenges. What we're doing right now in Afghanistan, what we're experiencing in Afghanistan, is trail blazing, and it will serve us well in the future wherever else the Government of Canada chooses to project its influence and its forces around the world.
One of the significant challenges we face there in the near term, because of where we have come from in the last four years, with a new nation and what Afghanistan has been through over the last four years, is we need to be focused on capacity building. At the same time as we're building capacity, we need to be able to do; we need to conduct our own security operations at the same time as we're trying to build an Afghan National Army and an Afghan National Police.
You can call it a challenge. We would tend to find it frustrating that those national institutions aren't progressing as quickly as we would like, but if you turn that around and consider where they were three years ago, the progress they've made is remarkable. But it is a challenge for us to, on the one hand, be focused on building capacity and, by the same token, be doing it ourselves. We would hope that over time we will see that balance shift in favour of the capacity building, less doing and more capacity building.