Sir, it was two years ago. A little while after I took over as Chief of Defence Staff—I believe Mr. Bachand was there—I spoke at the Canadian Defence Association and said we needed to do this, from our perspective, to meet our responsibilities to a minister of national defence.
This Minister of National Defence—like Mr. Graham before him, I will say—is most supportive of that, and we work well with our minister here to provide him exactly that. He then holds us accountable, saying: “Show me your line of logic here. What kinds of missions, what kinds of tasks are we asking you to do?” Obviously, with Mr. O'Connor's past experience, some of those things are very intuitive, but in other cases he peels right down to the level so that we show him our reasoning, our line of logic for why we said we need to be able to land on an airstrip that's 3,000 feet long and is not paved and is in an area where there is some air threat. He holds us accountable to clearly lay out that line of logic.