Mr. Chairman, as a result of a resource tightness over the years, the number of people in the procurement area has gone down, as in other areas of the department and the military.
At the current point, we are in the process of having to rebuild not only the Canadian Forces, but also our procurement ability. That means not only bringing in new people, but it means training them and getting their skills up to the point where they can do it effectively.
The ADM for materiel, who will be testifying before the committee, can explain in detail some of the things we've done. We've done some very innovative things in the last while, I think, compared to the past in terms of making the system within DND--our part ship, if you will--work faster, things such as not doing 17,000 pages of specifications, but doing it on the basis of high-level requirements--a major projects procurement initiative within the department.