Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you all for being here today.
I want to start by commenting briefly on Mr. Kane's presentation before asking some questions. I was a little surprised that you referred to the C-17 procurement as sole sourced when in fact it was a competitive process, despite what you may have heard in the media, and that was clarified by Dan Ross, the ADM for procurement, last week.
Also, you talked about the benefits of using a capabilities-based approach as opposed to a technical specification approach, which is exactly what we've been doing. So I think we're obviously moving in the same direction on that.
Finally, you talked about focusing on quality versus quantity in terms of the IRB investments in order to achieve forward-looking, long-term, and high-value business relationships. I'm wondering if you're all familiar with the fact that the federal government, in cooperation with aerospace and defence industries, recently developed a key technologies list of nine key technologies that will focus the investments of those companies that are not Canadian-based, such as Boeing, to invest in Canada so that they can support the long-term future of our aerospace and defence industries.
Both Mr. Page and Mr. Kane talked about the benefit to doing something like that. I'm wondering if you're aware of the fact that we're actually doing that for the first time in our country's history. We've identified nine key technologies, including advanced materials, avionics, communications, propulsion, sensors, space, unmanned vehicles, all kinds of things that will require Boeing to direct its contracts to key technologies from this list.
Are you familiar with these key technologies and the benefits they will have? What are the benefits you think will result as the industry receives these investments?