Good morning, Mr. Chairman.
I am General (Retired) Paul Manson, and I thank you very much for allowing me the opportunity to appear before your committee here this morning.
Last year, the Conference of Defence Associations Institute, of which I am the president, published a monograph entitled, “Creating an Acquisition Model That Delivers”. Today I'd like to present some personal thoughts, based on that work and on my other experiences over the years with the procurement of major systems for the Canadian Forces.
By way of establishing my credentials, I might mention at the outset that for the past 30 years or so I've been involved with defence procurement in one way or another. From 1977 to 1980, I was the program manager for the new fighter aircraft program leading to the acquisition of the CF-18 Hornet for the air force. As Chief of the Defence Staff from 1986 to 1989, I was, of course, intensely involved with numerous capital equipment projects. Following retirement, as the CEO of a major Canadian aerospace company, I saw the system in operation from the other side, so to speak. During this period, by the way, I served, for a time, as the chairman of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada. Now, as the president of a think tank on defence and national security, I see that scarcely a day goes by without the important matter of defence procurement being raised in one way or another.
Let me begin my quick review by stating the obvious. Regardless of how great may be the military's requirement for new equipment or services, or how ready the industry may be to fulfill those needs, without there being, in this country, an efficient and effective procurement process, the system cannot do what's necessary for the military, the industry, or the government. A major conclusion of our studies is that such a system simply does not exist in Canada today. This is the consequence of a gradual and barely perceptible degradation over the past several decades, to the point where it's largely dysfunctional at the present time.
Take, for example, the fact that 15 years or more is typically required to bring a major new military system into operational service by the Canadian Forces. That's much too long, for reasons that are self-evident. Our analysis of the causes of this inordinately long procurement cycle time has led us to conclude that multiple factors are at work here, and they can be found in three main areas, namely, first of all, within the Department of National Defence; secondly, within the interdepartmental bureaucracy; and thirdly, at the political level. I'd like to say a few words about each of these three.
First, within the Department of National Defence, over the years, and with the best of intentions, military and civilian staffs, in their pursuit of perfection in defining military requirements, became bogged down in an evolving internal process that turned out huge amounts of paper—in some cases, literally thousands of pages—in what amounted to detailed technical specifications. Your committee is already aware of a dramatic change of philosophy in this regard with the introduction of the concept that's called “performance-based requirements”, and the Minister of National Defence spoke about this in his appearance before your committee last week. It's a welcome change, not just from the industry's perspective, but also in that it greatly simplifies the staff work within the Department of National Defence and it facilitates the importance business of evaluating competing systems.
Another serious problem emerged within National Defence during the 1990s, and it was the direct result of the huge manpower cuts to which that department was subjected. The number of qualified program management personnel available to staff major crown projects was severely reduced, with predictable results. Not only did the shortage of suitably skilled personnel contribute to an increase in procurement times, but it also presented risks to the quality of program management, with possible adverse impacts on decision-making and program costs. The department is still recovering from this. I understand that other government departments also suffer from a shortage of program management personnel having experience in major defence procurements.
This leads me to the second area of concern in regard to lengthy procurement times, which is the interdepartmental routine to which all major equipment programs are necessarily subjected. Gradually, over the years, we've seen the emergence of a complex and frustrating process within the federal bureaucracy. Many departments are involved. Typically, apart from DND, a major crown project will involve Public Works and Government Services, the Department of Industry, the Treasury Board Secretariat, Finance, Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Justice, and perhaps other departments. It goes without saying that a consensus must be achieved before the Department of National Defence would dare to bring a given project before ministers who, traditionally, need little incentive to reject a big ticket item when it's apparent that the bureaucrats “haven't got their acts together”.
Reaching consensus can be excruciatingly difficult. Even getting senior officials from all the participating departments together for a senior review board meeting can sometimes take months to organize; all of this, of course, adds to the total program time.
Increasingly over the years industrial and regional benefits—IRBs—have become a critical element of major defence equipment programs, especially in cases in which the government must go outside Canada for procurement. The mechanics of putting together a good IRB package at the bureaucratic level are difficult enough, but the real test comes when a given project moves into my third area of concern, which is the political arena. It's here, regrettably, that some of the most serious delays occur; in fact, just the prospect of running into difficulty over IRBs at the cabinet level can force delays of months and even years.
Competing companies eager to reap the huge influx of new business that can come from a defence contract are not reluctant to play the IRB game; furthermore, they know how sensitive the regional element of industrial and regional benefits can be in this country, and they'll play up this angle in the hope of inspiring support from regional ministers.
Inevitably, the Prime Minister and his colleagues around the cabinet table have a solemn obligation to ensure that competing demands are reconciled in such a way that men and women of the armed forces are provided with the right equipment in a timely fashion, and in this regard it's my personal opinion that the greatest challenge facing the defence procurement system today is the alarming growth in IRB demands associated with the coming re-equipment of the Canadian Forces.
A good example is their creation of rigid formulas, such as the 100% Canadian content value requirement for the industrial benefit component of a given contract. Competing companies face the almost impossible task of producing sufficient industrial work to comply with the 100% CCV rule, while Canadian industry, for its part, simply doesn't have the capacity to absorb the huge surge of tens of billions of dollars of high-tech business that this rule calls for in the coming decades with the massive amount of equipment procurement that's foreseen.
To add to this burden, the Department of National Defence typically pays a premium of several percent to accommodate industrial regional benefits, and this usually shows up as an increase in the purchase price of the equipment or the service.
All of this is to say that the management of industrial and regional benefits has the potential to become a major barrier in the government's attempt to streamline the procurement process.
One other factor always comes into play at the political level, and that is, quite correctly, affordability. In my experience, cabinet ministers don't often challenge the professional judgment of the military as to which technical solution is best for the Canadian Forces. When it comes to deciding whether a proposed solution is affordable, however, the cabinet must believe that the proposed expenditure is of a high enough priority to displace the countless other spending proposals before them—not just for the military, but also in such areas as health care, the environment, and other social programs.
When a decision is made to put off a given defence acquisition—and many budgetary reasons can be found for doing so—the forces are compelled to extend the life of existing equipment, which can be very costly both in dollars and especially in operational terms. Look, for example, at the sad case of the maritime helicopter. Twenty-seven years after the replacement program was initiated the Sea King helicopter is still flying.
Mr. Chairman, allow me to summarize this admittedly cursory presentation by stating the obvious, that in these critical times, following decades of neglect, the re-equipment of the Canadian Forces must progress quickly and rationally, following a streamlined process that takes into account the needs of the military, first and foremost, but also of a dynamic Canadian industry, while always working in the best interests of the Canadian taxpayer. I can say optimistically that there are encouraging signs that the process is getting back on track, but there is still much room for improvement, and I sincerely hope, Mr. Chairman, that your own deliberations will contribute greatly to that important goal.
Thank you.