Certainly in terms of the need to go to a capabilities-based approach to procurement rather than driving procurements off detailed technical specifications, we are aware of developments within DND that certainly point in that direction. What we haven't seen is that translate down to actual procurement.
It's not just a case of shrinking the technical specifications from 100 pages down to 10 pages. If it were 10 pages, you'd still have restrictive measures in them that eliminate other potential options to come forward. So it's not just the size of the technical specifications, but we are certainly hearing positive words out of DND in terms of wanting to move in that direction. We just have to see it take hold in practice.
In terms of the quantity versus quality aspect of IRBs, we in fact did input to that technology list that is used by Industry Canada. The list is there, as stated, but the IRB approach doesn't incent the prime contractors to put efforts in those areas. There are no multipliers, no value discriminators that give a higher-value offset or credit as opposed to simple procurement.