Thank you.
Now, I have a question for Mr. Simmons. I know that in its negotiations with Boeing for the strategic aircraft and the helicopter, Public Works and Government Services Canada used what is known as an ACAN. That is an advanced contract award notice. I won't refer to the Camaro example: we have all heard enough about that.
In your case, at the time I had seen a letter of intent on the MERX site, the official electronic tendering service. You have now confirmed that negotiations are underway.
We heard from Mr. Bain, as well as the excellent presentation made by CASA. Alenia did not present a brief, but we are told that there will be major Quebec and Canadian content. If the government were to agree to work with you, I would like to know if you can commit, on behalf of Lockheed Martin, to having 60% of the Canadian contract awarded to Quebec, where the major part of the aerospace industry is located.
Should I be asking you that question, Mr. Simmons, or should I call the Lockheed Martin CEO? Perhaps you could pass the message along for me.