With regard to the treatment of detainees by Afghan authorities, I think the Prime Minister and the minister have spoken to this yesterday, to take the allegations seriously, and to follow up with Afghan authorities.
You ask me, as a soldier, my view on this matter. I have been trained my entire career and understand my obligations to treat detainees humanely. This is trained to the soldiers. I've personally been involved with this my entire career. Our soldiers understand the requirements. We are extremely diligent, and we will investigate fully any deviation from that internally. We've not had too many causes for concern in that area. We need to investigate this fully. Afghans themselves are in an emerging country. I think it would be safe to say that there are some challenges in this particular area, and they do need help with capacity building. But I think we need to look closely at the facts, and certainly I am as interested as anybody else in getting to the bottom.
But to me, the bottom line is that we want detainees to be treated humanely.