Mr. Chairman, first of all, I'm not on this committee, obviously, but I am interested, on behalf of Canadians who have a concern, based on my perception on reading the media and so on. The concern that has come through the media and through pronouncements that have been made is that the countries of NATO are not pulling their weight and the heavy-lifting is being left to the British and the Canadians.
I don't know the details, but when we were in England a few months ago this was the prevailing sentiment that was expressed by all parties we met with on the foreign affairs committee. It was indicated in top-level pronouncements with respect to reminding the NATO countries under the articles of engagement in Afghanistan that the spirit was not being maintained. The all-party sentiment that I inferred from what was said was that they would look forward to very strong statements coming from Canada.
I wonder, if I am right on that particular perception, whether this motion could be expanded a little. I don't know who it was who said that wars are too important simply to be left to generals. There are political decisions that generals act on. If that is an accurate perception, and I do believe it is one that is felt by Canadians, would it not then be an opportunity, at some point, to expand the terms of reference of this motion?
I'm sorry if I'm overstepping my knowledge barrier, but to have those who give the political direction, from whom the NATO command takes its direction.... Somehow, somewhere, someone has to put pressure on with respect to whether the spirit of engagement and principles are still valid in Afghanistan. I believe they are. I believe we have to take leadership to make sure that it's very clear in terms of what our understanding is of how and why we went in there. It has to be made very clear that everyone else is operating under the same assumption.
My suggestion would be that somehow, whether through this motion or another motion or at another time, if you haven't done this already, that you do it, perhaps in the context of your report. I suggest that the committee take that particular view.
Thank you.