My preference would be that it be separate. My concern is similar to, I think, all of our concerns, that we're getting this thing and it's just rolling out and rolling out, and there's no end in sight. We have committed to supplying a report. If we were just having hearings, fine, we could just continue, and then the information. I understand that we can conclude this report but then also prepare a supplement or an addendum or just a separate report on what we heard on those days, or just consider it a hearing and hear the witness.
I think it's valuable information, particularly what we could hear from General Henault, and that we should have some written report on it, whether it's the full-body context of this report or not.
I'm trying desperately to get this.... If we can get to the report today and the recommendations, and get them concluded, that would bring everything back to us next week, on Tuesday, and then we finish up on Thursday with the report and we're done with it. But these other issues keep coming forward. I won't argue that they're not important and that these are critical witnesses, but particularly waiting till May 15.... It's a committee decision, but if we wait till May 15, and then we continue on, we will probably not get this done by summer break. That's my concern.