I believe the Chief of Defence has said that next to operations, recruiting is job one. We don't take recruiting for granted. We are always attracting our successors. As a matter of fact, I think our professional obligation is to create our successors so that the defence of Canada mission can be performed by people younger than us when we get older.
So recruiting is job one beyond delivering operations. We met our 2005-06 targets, I'm led to believe based on former expansion numbers, and we're working like crazy to make sure we get not just the numbers to maintain our strength this year, but to grow. As a trainer, we are actually creating more capacity to train more recruits, and that capacity is already starting to be used. We are actually running two more basic recruit courses as an army on top of what St. Jean does as a recruit school, because they're already above their capacity, and that's going on in Valcartier right now.