You're absolutely right. Essentially, they have all terrains. They have high plateaus, deserts, mountains, greenery, and sand.
In terms of our capacity to live in those environments, in the mountains and in the deserts, basically on our own, without support, our baseline training provides that. If we need specialist skills for mountain operations, we train individuals in those skills. They get that and take that with them. Mountain operations have those individuals on the team.
The most important thing to replicate in Wainwright isn't necessarily the terrain. It's what I call the “human environment” or the “conflict environment”. Our folks aren't trying to overcome mountains, fields, and deserts. That's only where they're living. They're actually challenged to overcome the human conditions where they're operating.
In the case of an Afghanistan mission, they're presented with a replication of the Afghani environment. They see civilians, farmers, and commercial trade. They're presented with confrontational scenarios as represented by corrupt officials, the dispossessed, terrorist extremists, and the Taliban. That's what Wainwright allows us to do.
As a matter of fact, this year we've actually awarded a contract to a company in the United States to role-play specific actors on the battle space. We want it to be very professionally done, and they'll be starting to do that this fall in Wainwright. This is a method the U.S. military has been using for quite some time.
That's the replication we're really focusing on.