No, it's not clear.
The answer is both, or any of the above. The individual may notice it. His peers or his section commander or his platoon commander may notice something is not quite right. You'd generally send them to see the med tech or the PA at the forward operating base, and he may have an idea, he may not. If he needs help, he'll send the guy back to Kandahar airfield.
At that point, you're probably not going to say this is an OSI. The term that would probably be most appropriate at that point is either combat stress reaction or acute stress reaction, depending on whose book you last read before you deployed.
It's actually a slightly different thing--that is, the old sort of World War II, George Patton slapping the soldier in the hospital kind of scenario. Most of those people, if you give them rest and recuperation, will return to duty.
In fact, it's very important not to label them as mental health problems at that point because it does very damaging things to you from a self-image point of view to get labelled as deficient. So you don't want to do that. Most of the operational stress injuries we see come to light...and that's why we picked the four- to six-month point. Starting at about three months after the mission is over, you still pick new cases up, going up to about a year.