Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, I am Colonel David Weger, the director of health services personnel for the Canadian Forces. I thought it might be useful, by way of my opening remarks, to provide the committee with some idea as to what my general terms of reference are, and more specifically, what the responsibilities of my position are.
As director of health services personnel, I am responsible for two major areas of activity: health services, individual training and education, and health services, occupational management. I would also note at this point that I deal with these areas as they pertain almost exclusively to uniformed health services personnel, that is, those health services personnel who are in the military. I play no direct role in the mental health world, nor do I work with operational stress injury or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Within the realm of health services, individual training, and education, I am responsible for the development of training and education guidance, the establishment of occupational standards, the strategic oversight of training delivery, validation of training programs, and management of our maintenance of clinical skills program.
In all, there are in excess of 300 health services related individual training and education activities. These activities run the spectrum from primary care paramedic training at the Justice Institute of British Columbia to post-graduate medical specialty education at various Canadian universities, and from basic field medical services training at the Canadian Forces Medical Services School in Borden to the joint medical planner course at the NATO School in Germany. My directorate is also responsible for the administration of the Canadian Forces first aid program.
On the occupational management side of my portfolio, I am responsible for helping to manage the 19 health service occupations found in the Canadian Forces by ensuring that the Canadian Forces has sufficient uniformed health services providers to meet its operational needs. This includes the identification of recruiting targets, the establishment of periods of service, the creation of occupational structures that foster career progression, and the attraction and retention of health services human resources.
By virtue of my position, I am also the team leader for five human resources initiatives under our major health services reform project, Rx2000. Three of these initiatives deal with the enhancement and sustainment of clinical skill sets, one with the attraction and retention of health services personnel, and the last with both these areas as they pertain specifically to the nursing profession within the Canadian Forces.
I would be more than pleased to answer whatever questions you might have that pertain to my areas of responsibility.
Thank you.