Again, for exact numbers, the director of health services operations would be best placed to provide those, but we use a number of mechanisms. Certainly the fact that we have most of our military specialists embedded within civilian facilities creates an awareness that the opportunities are out there. We do have individuals who, as in the case of this gentleman, step forward and say that it's something they would really like to do--that it appeals to them, that they see it as a way to contribute to the country, and that they would like to take some time and go over there.
In fact, at least two individuals we had on contract as civilians who were sent over for a tour have subsequently come back to Canada and enrolled in the Canadian Forces. It is far more frequent than it was half a decade ago. It will, with luck, become far less frequent as the overall health of our medical speciality occupations improves, but it will certainly always be an option that's out there for those individuals who do indicate that they have an interest in doing this to support us.