As was mentioned earlier by Colonel Weger, the only ones who can actually make a diagnosis that there has been a mental injury is a psychiatrist.
What we do, as was touched on, is provide training in all Canadian Forces leadership courses to help individuals recognize behaviours that might indicate there might be some type of mental health or other issue, and then encourage the leaders to refer these individuals in question for proper medical assessment.
Within the health services, our junior medical technicians are provided with much the same general behavioural recognition stuff. Is something going on that's out of character for an individual? At our senior paramedic level, they undertake roughly 17 hours of training specifically oriented towards the recognition of indicators of mental health problems or issues. At the physician assistant level, they undertake 33 days of training, as well as a four-week residency in a mental health facility, to provide them with the skill sets they require not only to recognize the signs and symptoms, but also to assist in actual treatment of mental health problems.