In my realm--and to be frank, I'm not sure how much this committee can help us on it--we essentially face the same challenges as the civilian health care environment does.
Number one, we're competing for the same already limited pool of health services human resources.
Number two, not entirely but to a very significant extent, we are victim of the vagaries of the civilian health services training establishments. At the universities, for example, programs are constantly expanding time-wise. It's what we call credential creep, which is the idea that now, for example, the baseline employability credential for social workers is now a master's degree. We are forced in this situation to follow those same dictates with respect to education and training in order to ensure that our personnel are provided with the appropriate level of care, the equivalent Canadian level of care. We are, to a certain extent, held hostage by the governing bodies as they change requirements for entry-level education and training.
Lastly, we tend to be, from time to time, our own worst enemies. Due to shortages in uniformed providers, we have to hire civilians. We hire them at rates that make it very attractive for existing uniformed providers to get out and be hired back as civilians, which again creates greater demands to hire civilians. To a certain extent, it's the proverbial catch-22. But certainly our success with the physician attraction and retention initiative shows us that with specific focus in an area and the right motivation we can turn that around.