That is excellent.
The authorities had been informed that one hundred or so soldiers from Valcartier who had been deployed to Kandahar were scheduled to return earlier because of injury. After six months of field duty, 68 injuries can be attributed to combat operations. Of this total number, 14 cases of depression can be attributed to operational stress. After six months, 20% of the injuries are linked to mental health problems. As mentioned earlier, 17 % of all soldiers who have returned from Kandahar since the mission first began are experiencing mental health problems.
If the data on the Valcartier troops is correct, then it would seem the numbers have been increasing recently. Would you not agree? In the past, the percentage of CF members with mental health problems was said to be 17%. After six months, the number has climbed to 20%. According to my sources, the incidence of post-operational mental health problems has increased rather significantly.