Thank you.
Thanks for the invitation to appear before your committee to discuss maritime health service support issues.
As an introduction, my name is Commander Rob Briggs. During my career I have served primarily in the navy environment, though I've also spent considerable time with the army. I've had operational deployments in both environments and have completed postgraduate training in public health and hyperbaric medicine—diving and undersea medicine.
My title is director, maritime health services, and CMS—which stands for Chief of the Maritime Staff—medical advisor. My primarily roles are as follows. I provide professional, technical, or clinical advice to the Chief of the Maritime Staff on all aspects of health service support pertinent to navy personnel, platforms, equipment, and navy operations. I act as the CMS' senior authority on all issues pertaining to occupational health.
In the role of director of maritime health services, I act as an advocate to ensure that the health requirements of the navy are met by a centralized CF health services group. I also provide advice to the Surgeon General and senior Canadian Forces health services staff on navy priorities and strategic direction as they will impact on current and future health service delivery and force health protection.
I am the Surgeon General's senior advisor on all issues pertaining to navy occupational health, including submarine and diving medicine. I serve as a clinical conduit, if you will, between the Surgeon General and the regional surgeons in Esquimalt and Halifax for all clinical issues. Where required, I modify CFHS policy and provide advice on program delivery to reflect the operational and occupational requirements of the navy.
It is important to appreciate that I serve a staff and not a line function within the Maritime Staff and Canadian Forces health services group headquarters. By that, I mean that I do not command the CF health care centres on either coast. They are commanded by clinic managers, who in turn report to one health services group for Esquimalt—which is located in Edmonton—and four health services group headquarters for Halifax—which are located in Montreal.
As a staff officer, I monitor professional, technical, and clinical aspects of health programs and health care delivery as delivered by all health care providers providing operational or operational readiness care to navy personnel.
The navy has historically played a large role in maintaining Canada's sovereignty and security and projecting Canada's foreign policy goals abroad. Since 1990, the navy has participated in many UN, NATO, and other operations in southwest Asia, Somalia, Haiti, the Adriatic Sea, East Timor, and in aid of our southern neighbours following devastating hurricanes. In addition, the navy has responded to domestic missions, including the Swiss Air recovery, the GTS Katie boarding, drug interdictions, fishery patrols, etc.
As you know, the navy has played a major role in CF operations since 9/11. During Operation Apollo, Canada deployed 15 of the 17 major naval warships, comprising 96% of our total seagoing positions, to southwest Asia. The navy's presence there continues to this day. HMCS Charlottetown is currently deployed, and HMCS Toronto recently returned from an operational deployment in that area.
In addition, navy augmentees are presently fulfilling important roles in Afghanistan. On a daily basis, clearance divers, naval boarding party members, Sea King air crew, and explosive ordnance disposal experts place themselves at risk on behalf of Canada.
It is important for the committee to understand that the complement of health service support personnel on a frigate or destroyer at sea comprises only two persons: a physician assistant and a medical technician. The ship may be as far as a seven days' sail from land at times, so these personnel must be extremely well trained and well equipped and be independent thinkers. Needless to say, there is a great deal of responsibility on their shoulders, and they are extremely valuable assets to the CFHS and the navy.
A number of issues improve the navy's capability of delivering health care support to their personnel. I will touch on only a couple here.
The navy practice of maintaining home port divisions maintains stability and support for family members of sailors away on deployment or courses.
The navy personnel enjoy a great deal of buy-in and support from the navy chain of command at the highest levels, at the formation commander's level on each coast, and CMS, which is ultimately responsible for the health and well-being of their sailors, soldiers, airmen, and airwomen.
I'm telling the committee this as a reminder of the importance of ensuring that, whatever recommendations come out of the committee's good work, you involve the navy and ensure that the navy is factored into any of the recommendations that are forthcoming.
I would be pleased to answer any of your questions following the other opening addresses.
Thanks very much.