Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Panel, welcome, and thank you for being here.
My question probably follows the same line as the questions of my colleagues, Mr. Coderre and Mr. Hawn. You indicated you assess our men and women in uniform pre- and post-deployment, but you also made a comment, if I may quote, that “some do not seek help”. I can't possibly accept that, because before they are sent off for duty, they are obviously assessed and cleared as being in stable condition physically and mentally, etc. I'm sure that's the case. Then we ask them to do their duty.
The concern I have is that once they return after a six-month duty or whatever, it's mandatory that they be assessed. Am I correct? Once they are assessed, there's an evaluation report that this individual, for example, has this ailment. They do not seek help, so what is the next step after that? You obviously provide them with information that you've identified this problem and this is your recommendation. Is that the process?