Thank you for coming and giving us this information. I've read through two of the papers and found it very interesting.
My understanding is that the study was done on 8,841, and these were not Canadian Forces who had necessarily come back from combat; they were--for want of a better word--part of the general population of the Canadian Forces, not post-conflict. Out of that, you determined that 1,220 had a diagnosable disorder, and that 67% of them had no treatment or contact with mental health professionals. That's quite startling, I think.
You also made several observations in your article that I found quite interesting. One was in relation to comorbidity. I think other people on the street might call it dual diagnosis. I think it's clear that PTSD has been misdiagnosed as other disorders when there have been diagnoses in the past. So it brings to mind the question of which diagnosis most often comes first: is it depressive diagnosis, drug addiction, or alcohol dependency, and then you discover post-traumatic stress disorder, or does it most often come the other way around?
I also wondered what impact that has on treatment, because I assume, as a layperson, that treatments are different for severe depression than for post-traumatic stress disorder, and different for drug or alcohol dependence than for PTSD. So I'm curious about how that impacts on the treatment.