Thank you, Mr. Chair.
We thank you for this opportunity to present the results of chapter 4 of our October 2007 report, “Military Health Care--National Defence”. As you mentioned, I am accompanied by Wendy Loschiuk, who was the principal responsible for the audits of National Defence when we did this work. Ms. Loschiuk has recently been promoted to Assistant Auditor General.
At the time of our audit, National Defence and the Canadian Forces were providing medical and dental care to over 63,500 Canadian Forces personnel on 37 military installations across Canada and abroad. Members of the Canadian Forces are excluded from the Canada Health Act. The provision of their health care falls under the National Defence Act. If a military member needs medical services, it is the responsibility of National Defence to ensure that the services are provided.
National Defence spent about $500 million on medical and dental care for its members last year, and costs have been rising.
In this audit, we looked at how National Defence ensures that its military personnel in Canada receive quality health care. We did not look at medical care outside Canada on deployments such as Afghanistan. Nor did we examine medical treatment or practices.
We found that National Defence has little information to assess the performance or cost of the military health care system. The Department needs better information to manage the system, and, in particular, to help monitor whether it is delivering quality medical care to military personnel.
It is important to note that, when surveyed by the Department, military members said that overall they were satisfied that the military health care system responded to their needs. National Defence has been improving access to medical care and the continuity of care for its military personnel as part of its ongoing Rx 2000 reforms.
The Canadian Forces spectrum of care policy states that National Defence is committed to providing Canadian Forces members with health care comparable to what other Canadians receive. But we found that the department was unable to demonstrate how it could assure itself that the care it did provide met its standards and expectations of quality health care practices.
We were also concerned about the lack of information needed to ensure that only licensed or certified military medical professionals were treating patients. National Defence has informed us that it is working on documenting the status of its health care professionals and is developing a policy on mandatory maintenance of a provincial licence.
As I understand, this committee is particularly interested in the issues affecting mental health care. We found that mental health care services have been reformed to better target needs. A 2002 survey on mental illness in the Canadian Forces found that only 25% of respondents who had reported symptoms of mental health problems or disorders considered that they had received sufficient help. Since then, National Defence has restructured its approach and is implementing a new model nationwide. This model uses a best practice whereby medical personnel and qualified professionals in social work and addictions counselling work collaboratively to treat patients.
The department is also conducting enhanced post-deployment screening of military personnel returning from overseas service to detect any resulting physical and psychological effects.
Unfortunately, the Department has not been able to staff its mental health services with all the professionals required. Due to this resource shortage, the system cannot meet all the demands for mental health services. As a result, members are being sent to private practitioners, where it becomes difficult for the Department to monitor their care.
Our audit also focused on several other issues that we explain in the Chapter. We found that few military medical professionals were completing the Department's Maintenance of Clinical Skills program.
We also found that while the cost of the military health care system is rising, National Defence lacks the information to know whether these costs and levels of service at its medical clinics are appropriate to needs.
Finally, we found that, 10 years after the Department had identified a need for oversight of its health care system, there is still no mechanism to bring together all parties, that is senior military officials, senior health care management and military members who could provide guidance and a basis for accountability.
Mr. Chair, National Defence has agreed with our recommendations and has developed an action plan to address the concerns raised in the chapter. I am pleased to see that the department has defined the outcomes it is working toward in the action plan and has set target completion dates. Your committee may wish to have the department report on its progress and the results it is achieving.
That concludes our opening statement, Mr. Chair. We would be pleased to answer any questions the committee members may have.
Thank you.