It's hard to say what hasn't changed. That would be perhaps a shorter answer.
When I started treating military patients in the mid-1980s, I hardly ever saw anybody come in admitting they had a mental health problem. They came in complaining of back pain. They came in because they were drinking too much; they got into fights in the bars. Yes, they had mental health problems, but they would never come in admitting it. That has changed quite radically. There is still reluctance, but it's much less. It has to do with increased awareness. It has to do with the work of a lot of people, like Senator Dallaire.
I know you had questions about confidentiality. The committee may be interested to know that in 2000 there was a complete change. Before 2000, commanding officers had the right to know diagnoses and to sort of pry into people's medical details. A CANFORGEN, a Canadian Forces-wide message, issued in 2000 changed that. I don't think it's a coincidence entirely that a lot of our increased mental health workload has occurred since then. People are more able to come forward.
We undertook the Statistics Canada survey, which has been the subject of a lot of discussion here, precisely to find out what we needed to build. We needed to have some baseline idea of what's going on out there before we designed a program to improve our capabilities.