As I indicated to Mr. Coderre and the committee, this is a growth industry. As I also indicated earlier--not that it's within my purview--I think more money should be devoted to the increased number of PSCs and FPSCs, the regional coordinators, and so forth.
You've made the point about rural areas. Personally, I don't think we need PSCs all over the Northwest Territories or anything like that. That's a waste of resources, particularly in this day and age, the electronic age, when people can talk on videophones and so forth.
This business is not going to go away. Thank God the OSISS program was started, and thank goodness the peer support coordinators and the volunteers and so forth are out there so that somebody can call them up and meet them at Tim Hortons.
Before we finish, Mr. Chairman, it's not my right, but Mrs. Black asked a question about women. I was hoping that Mariane Le Beau could answer that question.