Our program is about that. It's about peer support.
And yes, I think if you directed the question to both Cyndi and Shawn, they would both say “Yes, we fell through the cracks. We were very lonely. We were isolated. We did not know what to do and there was no one to help us.”
Peer support is helping break that isolation, helping break that loneliness. It is helping veterans and CF members to get through the red tape, the bureaucratic process.
Oftentimes the peer support will go to visit veterans in various locations. They'll go to their homes, and they'll even see a stack of mail, like this, that the veteran or the member has not been able to open or maybe opened it and was not even able to read, based on the condition or the injury they were struggling with.
What the peer support coordinators are all about is helping to bring those individuals out of their basements—we often say—and back into the world they once were in. They work with them and they work with the health care providers. They work with my department, Veterans Affairs, and they work with DND to help deal with the various issues you have raised.