I'll start, but both Cyndi and Shawn have been on the ground; I have not. I can only talk to you from some of the lessons learned.
When we were invited to participate in a TLD, a third location decompression, we were extremely happy to be working with the mental health team. As it progresses from decompression to decompression, it has provided us with many opportunities. One of them is definitely for the peers, and I'll let Shawn and Cyndi talk to that.
The kind of contact it affords the soldiers to the peer support coordinator is absolutely outstanding, and also for the mental health teams, because they're not always the same, obviously; they rotate. It's the same thing with our peer support coordinators; we try to identify those in the area to go to the decompression so that they will be providing education briefings to soldiers they may eventually provide peer support to. I think it has a lot to do with getting OSISS to be known more widely among the soldiers, indeed.
Cyndi and Shawn, would you like to add something to that?